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Reconnect to Roots

“A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.” ~ Marcus Garvey

Let’s take this opportunity to reconnect to your roots and present our story in poster format.

Select any tangible, intangible, man-made or built Heritage of Nagpur.

Draw, sketch or use any photo and describe it with a small, paragraph, story or poem.

Free to use any software or make by hand

Waiting for your entries
Send us your entries by 7th June 2020 till 8.00 pm on architecturalsankul@gmail.com

No registration fees
No registration formalities

Participation certificates to all

All the details are mentioned in the poster

For any query feel free to contact:
Dr. Madhura Rathod – 9325618620
Ar. Nitika S. Ramani – 9960149404
Or write us on architecturalsankul@gmail.com

07 June
Sunday @ 8:00 am - 11:30 pm





Nagpur, Maharashtra India

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